Marketing Activities

Content Marketing

It's not just about creating content. More importantly, content marketing is about understanding the needs of your target audience and providing solutions to their problems and pain points. It's the art of creating and using content to expand your company's audience, nurture and grow your target audience, and ultimately convert prospects into customers.

In an environment filled with information noise, content marketing offers an opportunity for smart and useful marketing. Instead of directly promoting products or services, content marketing provides relevant and helpful content to potential customers to help them solve problems or discover new opportunities. The key phrase here is "relevant and useful," which means first help, then build loyalty, then sell.

Services within the activity:

Content Marketing Strategy

Development and implementation of content marketing strategies to increase brand awareness, engage target audiences and generate leads.

Content Creation

Gather information and create compelling, informative, and engaging content (design, copy, websites, landing pages, infographics, books, brochures, videos, etc.).

Content personalization

Develop and implement content marketing strategies tailored to increase brand awareness, engage target audiences and generate leads.

Content Distribution

Distribute high-quality content across multiple platforms, including blog posts, tutorials, technical documents, videos, case studies, social networks, and emails.


Search Engine Optimization- optimizing content for search engines to increase organic traffic and improve search rankings.

Content Optimization

Monitor content performance and engagement metrics, analyze data, and provide data-driven recommendations to optimize content strategies.

Content for B2B

In B2B sales, the deal cycle typically ranges from a few months to several years and involves multiple stages and decision makers. This determines the subsequent nature of content marketing.

  • Research the audience
  • Customer Journey Map
  • Content creation
  • Customer Acquisition
Research the audience

Develop a deep understanding of key brand elements such as your mission and values, as well as more granular characteristics such as style, tone, and color palette. Armed with this information, our content creators know exactly how to position your content so that it is not only accurate and thought-provoking, but also feels like it came directly from you.

Customer Journey Map

Develop a strategy: what types of content are appropriate to use at what stages of the target audience's interaction, what type of content is needed, what content promotion channels should be used, and what path the target audience should take from simple engagement through objection to decision/product adoption - as one of the solutions to their problems. This journey is far from linear - it's always a branching process, sometimes cyclical, sometimes dead-end. You cannot fully predict audience behavior, but you can adapt it and steer it in the right direction.

Because every buyer's journey is different, we break it down into multiple possible touchpoints and define the desired next action. Then we try to answer the question: What do prospects need to believe in order to take the necessary action? This allows us to display the relevant content and messages that support and reinforce that belief at each touchpoint.

Content creation

Content ranges from written materials such as blog posts, emails, documents, brochures, reviews, e-books, to videos, illustrations, infographics, animations, and web design. In addition to creation, content must be adapted and personalized for different audience segments based on their needs and pain points.

Content is not a one-time tool, but a long-term one. We carefully monitor the effectiveness of each piece of content (as well as your campaigns as a whole) to ensure that it meets the goals we set together at the outset.

As a result, we create content that works towards your goals; content that customers will find truly useful, valuable and interesting. In addition, the content will also serve as good support material for sales when working with customers.

Customer Acquisition

Placing and promoting content in accordance with the strategy through agreed channels. Collect statistics and adjust strategy if necessary.

Structuring content into activity streams that move customers and prospects through the sales cycle faster, eliminating friction and accelerating action.

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Top of the Funnel (TOFU)

Users either recognize the existence of a problem or are unaware of it but have pain points that suggest they likely have a problem or will soon have a problem.

Content at this stage doesn't sell; it simply outlines the range of problems and pain points, how they affect the business, their potential consequences, and what common solutions exist.

Ebooks, white papers, articles, guides and tips, videos

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)

Users are moving into the Awareness and Consideration stages; they are ready to receive more detailed information or view offers that directly highlight products and solutions.

Content pulls together different pieces of information into a story and shows which information and pain points are more pronounced. This allows sales to follow up later with a more personalized offer.

Research, webinars, checklists, assessments and reviews, catalogs, how-tos, issue infographics, success stories

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

The user is moving to potential buyer status. They are aware of the problem and have information about possible solutions. At this stage, prospects are ready to interact directly with sales.

The content confirms that the solution/service can effectively solve the existing problem and contains a strong value proposition.

Demos, Consultations, Product Trials

Creating and designing content is an important part of any marketing effort. If you understand the audience you're targeting, creating content is easy, even if it takes a lot of time. It's much harder to personalize it and align it with other materials (visual, video, audio, text) so that they all complement each other and do what they were created to do - attract new customers and drive sales.


Graphic materials

Every person (even if they are part of a B2B process) is visual - information is absorbed and understood faster when it is visualized. Clear illustrations, infographics, UX design, visual presentation of books, documents, reports, and other texts - they all impact the audience and help to emphasize and persuade where needed.

Brochures and datasheets

A key tool for attracting potential customers. This asset allows you to convey to your audience what needs to be communicated: reports, studies, pain points, and solutions that detail complex topics in a simple and convenient format.


The easiest and most flexible way to communicate personalized and concise information to the target audience. Using different mechanics (nurturing, gamification, etc.) and methods of presenting materials, you can interact with your audience in different ways and nurture/convince them based on their individual characteristics and interests.

Texts, posts, blogs

Content designed to attract new audiences. Short and memorable texts and graphics are the most popular marketing tools. Essentially, it separates the target audience (those who are interested / useful / relevant) from the non-target audience.

Web Design/Development

Complex websites, portals and landing pages are also part of content. To achieve results (sales, engagement, image building), it's not enough to make them look nice. The target audience's perception of the company's brand, services, products and solutions depends on the right combination of textual content, visuals, UX and UI.


Content that allows for deeper audience engagement, increased recognition and loyalty through special game and entertainment mechanics - when the user is not just an observer, but an active participant. The most common examples are quests, quizzes, board games, and online mini-games.

Key points to consider


When promoting complex products and solutions, one of the most effective ways to logically connect all stages of the funnel is to use storytelling, i.e. telling an understandable story that puts a representative of the target audience in the center and clearly demonstrates what happens and how to effectively address it through concrete examples/adventures.

A good story can attract the right people to your site, capture and hold their attention, and convince them that you have the means to solve their problems. Storytelling allows you to communicate the benefits and value of a solution/service in a way that resonates with a specific segment of the target audience.

Framework for building a story

Take a potential customer through all the necessary steps from encountering the problem, to recognizing the need, to solving it.


Marketing ideas to help your business grow

Omnichannel Marketing: Seamless Customer Experience Across All Platforms

Sales and Account-Based Marketing: Secrets of Synergy for Business Success

Beyond the hype: The Real Path from B2B Prospect to Buyer

Job postings as an icebreaker for cold outreach: A Method for Uncovering the Precise Needs of Prospects

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