Who we are

We Help Companies Grow Their Business through Marketing

We are a group of marketers, designers and analysts who are passionate about technology and complex industry and product solutions. We take great pride in our work. With experience working on strategy, product and design projects both in agencies and on the client side, we have combined our unique expertise, industry approaches and methodologies to help truly great companies thrive in the marketplace and find the clients without whom that development would be impossible.


projects and activities in complex B2B markets (information technology, industrial manufacturing).

Since our founding in 2013, we have been supporting technology, industrial and IT companies. We are trusted by CEOs, executives, marketing, sales, and business development professionals for the development of marketing strategies and the execution of a variety of initiatives aimed at attracting new business, identifying new growth opportunities, and driving sales.

We do not replace sales and marketing departments; rather, we complement them by testing hypotheses, experimenting with new opportunities and tools, and taking into account the specifics of each business. What do we rely on? Audience engagement (segmentation, personalization, customization), content management, promotion methodology and methods, channel management (integrated campaigns, omnichannel approach, combination of online and offline), promotion and sales strategies and tactics, use and implementation of frameworks (segment-based, persona-based, account-based).

Understanding the markets and business specifics of our clients allows us to bridge the gap between marketing and sales to achieve high results.

With full-stack expertise in Marketing

Features that make us unique:


We are one of the few companies in the world that takes an H2H approach to B2B marketing and campaign execution. People communicate with people, even in B2B. People make buying decisions for companies, and their preferences are influenced not only by corporate objectives, but also by individual problem-solving habits and the challenges they face.

Hands-on approach

While automation in B2B sales, engagement, and support is touted by martech and salestech vendors, they're just tools that eliminate routine tasks. The real magic happens manually - it's at the fingertips of our experts who strategize, work with frameworks, create and personalize content, and conduct research.

Focus on results

To achieve our clients' goals, we take an integrated approach - combining different tactics and methodologies, using multi-channel strategies, gamification and unconventional solutions. In addition, we work closely with the client's sales, product and business development teams throughout all of our activities, as they will be the ones working with the results of our work.


Building long-term relationships with our clients: the more campaigns we run for them, the better we understand their operations, business processes, and work environment, enabling us to quickly create campaigns that take into account their needs and specific characteristics.


We tell it like it is. We don't make empty promises or discourage actions that are clearly wrong. This helps us achieve better results in our work and push the boundaries of marketing together.


Unusual, creative and unconventional approaches (images, creative, text) always attract attention and help. Even in B2B. We know how and actively use it.

Growth / ambition

This is our mindset and our roadmap. We attract ambitious companies and projects because we have the same ambitions and we practice what we preach. The only way we can grow is to help you grow.

Our expertise spans multiple industries:

Information Technology

Startups (Fintech, ML, Math)

Industrial manufacturing



Software development

Transportation and Logistics

Engineering and Design

Leadership team

We are B2B marketers who take great pride in our work. Each of us has decades of experience, including working on the customer side (technology equipment manufacturers, distributors, system integrators). This helps us to see the big picture and find the best solutions for the tasks at hand.


Business Developement







Marketing ideas to help your business grow

Omnichannel Marketing: Seamless Customer Experience Across All Platforms

Sales and Account-Based Marketing: Secrets of Synergy for Business Success

Beyond the hype: The Real Path from B2B Prospect to Buyer

Job postings as an icebreaker for cold outreach: A Method for Uncovering the Precise Needs of Prospects

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